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​My name is Idris Keith, and I am running to become your next State Senator. My wife and I have resided in Senate District 28 for over a decade and have two wonderful children. Like all parents, we are concerned about our childrens' future and we want to leave them a better world than the world we inherited.  Our choice in 2024 may well determine the economic, educational, and environmental future of Colorado for decades to come. ​​



We must tackle the issues that concern all of us - public safety, economic development, quality schools, preparing our youth for leadership roles, and funding for mental health.  ​While these issues may appear unrelated, there is a common link between and amongst them all.  That common link is the ongoing need for INVESTMENT.  We must invest in our youth, invest in our communities, invest in our schools, invest in our future, and that is why I want to be YOUR VOICE in the State Senate.   



I am a former member of the Aurora Citizen's Advisory Budget Committee, former Vice-Chair of House District 36, a current member of the Arapahoe County Cultural Council, and a practicing Business Attorney licensed in Colorado, District of Columbia, U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.  My experience in business and job creation uniquely qualifies me as the right candidate for Senate District 28.



The residents of Senate District 28 deserve honest leadership that understands its problems. I am an heir to decades of leadership and sacrifice, those who were/are genuinely interested in empowering others and uplifting those who have been excluded from the American dream.  My great-grandfather was a bishop in the Church of God in McRoberts, Kentucky. Both of my grandfathers were World War II veterans in the United States Army and United States Navy, respectively. My dad was a Vietnam Era Navy veteran, and my uncle served in the Army's 101st Airborne Division as a Helicopter Gunman in Vietnam. My mom was in the Army Reserves and is a retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker as well as a minister with a Master's Degree in Divinity.  My brother is a Navy veteran, and my sister served in the United States Air Force. I have a host of uncles and cousins who also served either in the Armed Forces, the Clergy, and/or in law enforcement. My family was, is, and will be dedicated to the service of others. Their influence on my life is immeasurable.  


If elected as your next State Senator, I would continue in a long line of ancestors who identified problem areas and responded, "Here I am; send me!"  When I worked in government procurement, small business consulting, and small business development, entrepreneurs frequently expressed concern over the heavy burden of increased taxes and lack of understanding of economic issues.  As your next State Senator, I will apply my practical experience and knowledge of small business concerns to assist in job creation and strengthening the economy.  A true consensus-builder is needed for the job and I would bring that to bear in this role. 

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PO Box 462345, Aurora, CO 80046
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© 2024 Idris Keith for Colorado State Senate


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